ENIT, summer 2024. Over 4 thousand events and 28 million participants drive tourism


Enit, summer 2024. Over 4,000 events and 28 million participants drive tourism

Country fairs and festivals cause attendance to surge: +63.8% on 2023

The Italian summer lights up with events. Over 4,000, including concerts, festivals, conferences and sporting events, will attract more than 28 million visitors, both national and international, in the period June-September 2024.

Traditions, roots and identity: it is above all the lesser-known, but at the same time more authentic and genuine, villages and destinations that play a fundamental role. In fact, village festivals and festivals can show an increase of +63.8% in attendance compared to 2023. In general, there are 20 thousand festivals held every year in Italy, for which there are 48 million visitors, mostly young people (31%) and families (45%).

The two main catalysts are the approximately 290 sporting events, which will involve over 17 million attendees, and the 2,000 musical shows, in which over 5 million people will take part. Furthermore, 3.5 million spectators will attend the concerts classified as medium impact and almost one million at the high impact ones.

Also significant are the 800 festivals and 100 exhibitions, capable of attracting 3.7 and 1.7 million participants respectively.

According to ENIT estimates based on Data Appeal, ISTAT and Bankitalia, approximately 1.6 million airport passengers are expected in Italy from June to September, of which 82.7% from abroad and 17.3% of national origin , with the Italian component increasing by +4% over the same period of 2023.

Among the top 20 countries of origin analysed, almost 30% of airport customers are of European origin. The United States – a high spending market -, with over 285 thousand passengers expected (18.3% of the total), is the main incoming market, followed by France and Germany, and then by Spain and the United Kingdom.

On average, flights are booked 120 days before departure, for a stay of at least 12 nights.

“Under the sky of a blue summer, the brightest stars are the lesser-known villages and towns, the smallest ones. There where you can breathe and experience the truest, most sincere and fascinating Italy, both for Italians themselves and for foreigners. The important numbers generated by village festivals and celebrations, in fact, testify to how these small gems of our tourist offer are a fundamental element for the entire industry and for the strengthening of the identity of the ‘Italy’ brand. Thanks also to the synergy put in place by the Ministry, Regions and territories, which has led – through targeted investments, such as resources for small municipalities with a tourist vocation – to the discovery, rediscovery and valorization of those so-called ‘minor’ realities that represent extraordinary opportunities for the sustainable development of the sector and the economic well-being of the Nation”, comments the Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè.

“Sustainable tourism and the valorization of traditions create a perfect combination to support the local economy and attract a younger audience interested in their roots. With over 800 events planned in the territory, sports, music, culture, Italy confirms that it has the right levers to diversify the drivers of motivation to travel and attract more and more foreign tourists also to the internal and lesser-known areas where the most authentic cultural, artistic and food and wine traditions of Italy reside, allowing us to make truly sustainable choices, extend the season and generate economic and employment development through tourism”, explains ENIT President Alessandra Priante.

“Summer represents a unique opportunity to explore and enhance the riches of the internal areas, offering visitors authentic experiences. The industrial perspective of tourism must increasingly consider these realities, which not only help to make the tourist offer less linked to the canonical seasons, but will contribute and will continue to contribute in the future to making Italy the most sought-after destination in the world” , comments Ivana Jelinic, CEO of ENIT.


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